Tuesday, 20 October 2015

The Seven Day Manicure

Last week I chatted about my favourite manicure essentials, the tools to make regular nail polish look on point, but when it comes to a fuss-free manicure that lasts all week, there is only one thing I reach for.

CND Vinylux Weekly Polish

The CND Vinylux Weekly Polishes are the at-home sister of Shellac, which can be taken off with regular nail polish remover. There is no need to use a base coat with these ones as the colour coat is 'self-adhering'. I am not entirely sure what that means as it does adhere to the nails too, but it doesn't stain or damage the nails at all so a base coat is unnecessary. When used with the Weekly Top Coat these dry so quickly! Most topcoats claim 'touch dry in seconds', and touch dry is never really touch dry, where as this one is genuinely dry within a matter of minutes, creating a perfect manicure even if you are short on time.

Even though it all sounds to good to be true, for me they really do what they say, and at £9.95 each, I definitely wouldn't have bought so many if I didn't think they were worth it. Colour-wise there is an incredible selection, and most even match a current Shellac shade, so you can touch-up at home or do a matching at-home pedicure. Some of the colours can be a bit hit and miss though, so keep hold of your receipt. My last purchase was Tutti Frutti, a gorgeous metallic pink, but within a few weeks it had completely dried up, something that hasn't happened to any of my others before. But that aside, they really do last longer than any other polish I have tried and are great for holidays when you don't want to worry about chipping.

I think these polishes are a great idea and really live up to the claims, but given the (what I think of as a) hefty price tag, they won't replace the rest of my collection.



  1. I've never heard of these! For someone who does their own gel nails these would save soo much time xx

    Tamz | http://www.throughneweyesx.com/

    1. They are so quick to do! What do you use to do your own gels? xx


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